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Mindray was founded on the belief that every life is valuable. As expensive and complex technology still remains out of reach for the majority of people, we are striving to improve healthcare by developing and sharing medical technologies with the world. In doing this we can provide better care for more people, not just with our customers in mind but with humanity in mind.
We offer solutions for pulmonology, otorhinolaryngology, gastroenterology and urology with a smart, functional design. In 2021, Ambu® aScope™ 4 Cysto and Ambu® aScope™ Duodeno were recognised with the Red Dot Award for Product Design. The latter product also won their Innovative Products award. The Ambu® aScope™ 4 Broncho Sampler Set won the Danish Design Award in 2021.
Fannin UK Ltd
Fannin offer innovative, high-quality products including TwitchView® EMG Train of Four Monitors, Accuro® Epidural Guidance Systems, SaCoVLM® Video Laryngeal Masks, AirQ3G® Supraglottic Airways, Airtraq® Guided Channel Video Laryngoscopes, Easyflow® Elastomeric Infusion Pumps, AccuCuff® Cuff Pressure Indicators, AmSafe® Pre-filled Saline Syringes, FlowArt® Needle-free Access Ports, SwabArt® Disinfecting Caps, SentraCath® Intravenous Safety Cannula, i-Pro Elite Skintact® Eye Protectors, SunStim® Peripheral Nerve Stimulators, Tivatek® TIVA Sets, EpiFaith® CV/Syringes, Infu-Surg® Pressure Infuser Bags, Double Chamber Blood Sets and IV Gravity Administration Sets.
FujiFilm Sonosite
What began more than 20 years ago as a challenge to develop portable ultrasound for the U.S. military on the battlefield has evolved into an exceptionally focused mission to serve the courageous, visionary, and passionate healthcare workers on the front lines of modern medicine across the globe. As the originators and pioneers of point-of-care ultrasound, our purpose is as clear as one of our images: To enable clinicians and healthcare systems to continuously improve patient outcomes at the point of care by advancing imaging solutions.